Wednesday, April 8, 2020

 Rapid Application Development (RAD)

´  Rapid Application Development
´  RAD is a type of incremental model.
´  In RAD model components are developed in parallel.
´  The developments are time boxed, delivered and then assembled into a working prototype

  Pros of RAD model:

´  Reduce development time.
´   Due to the reusability of the components and parallel development.
´  Quick initial review occur
´  The initial product is also tested, which helps in the creation of the final product. 
´  Encourage customer feed back
´  Encouraged customers to express their views about the proposed system.
´  Helped the researcher identify which areas needed modification and additions and implement the same on the prototype.
´  Reduce the overall project risk
´  Most of the programming components have already been tested it reduces the risk.

Cons of RAD

´  It can’t be used for smaller project.
´  Not all application is compatible with rad.
´  When technical risk is high it is not suitable.
´  If developer are not committed to delivering software on time rad project can fail.
´  Require high skill developer or designer.
´  Only the system which can be modularized can be used with rad.

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