´ Incremental Model is a process of software development where
requirements are broken down into multiple standalone modules of SDLC
´ Incremental development is done in steps from analysis design,
implementation, testing/verification, maintenance.
´ Each iteration passes through the requirements, design,
coding and testing phases.
´ Each subsequent release of the system adds function to the
previous release until all designed functionality has been implemented.
´ Prioritizes the services to be provided by the system.
´ Maps these requirements to Increment based on priority.
´ Freezes requirement for the current Increment.
´ Requirements for the later increments can evolve concurrently.
´ Each Increment release is a working system:
´ Allows user to experiment.
´ Can be put into service right away.
Why incremental model is used
´ Generates working software quickly and early during the software
life cycle.
´ This model is more flexible – less costly to
change scope and requirements.
´ It is easier
to test and debug during a smaller iteration. In this model customer can respond
to each built.
Characteristics of an Incremental module includes:
´ System development is broken down into many mini development
´ Partial systems are successively built to produce a final total
´ Highest priority requirement is tackled first
Once the requirement is developed, requirement for that
increment are frozen
´ Requirements of the system are clearly understood
´ When demand for an early release of a product arises
´ When software engineering team are not very well skilled or
´ When high-risk features and goals are involved
´ Such methodology is more in use for web application and product
based companies
´ Early utilization:
´ the 1st increment satisfies the most critical
´ Early increments can serves as prototypes.
´ Lower risk of overall project failure.
´ Most crucial and basic services are implemented first.
´ It is flexible and less expensive to change requirements and
´ This model is less costly compared to others.
´ Hard to map requirement into small increments (< 20,000 lines
of code).
´ Becomes invalid when there is time constraint on the project
schedule or when the users cannot accept the phased deliverables.
´ Contractual problems
´ Requires good planning and design.
´ Budget may over runs.
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