Friday, November 6, 2020

Short Cut Key for MS WORD


Working with documents 

·         Open a document:                                                               Ctrl + O

·         Create a new document:                                                     Ctrl + N

·         Save the current document:                                               Ctrl + S

·         Open the Save As window:                                                 F12

·         Close the current document:                                             Ctrl + W 

Moving around in a document

·         Move the insertion point:   


·         Move one word at a time:                 

Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow

·         Move one paragraph at a time:     

  Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow

·         Move to the beginning of the current line:          


·         Move to the beginning of the document:    

       Ctrl + Home

·         Move to end of the current line:                         

       Ctrl + End

·         Move to end of the document:                              

      Ctrl + End

Editing documents

·         Cut the current selection:                                  

       Ctrl + X

·         Copy the current selection:                              

        Ctrl + C

·         Paste the contents of the clipboard:                   

     Ctrl + V

·         Bold:                                                                              

      Ctrl + B

·         Italics:                                                                                  

       Ctrl + I

·         Underline:                                                                          

     Ctrl + U

·         Underline words only:                                       

        Ctrl + Shift + W

·         Center:                                                                       

       Ctrl + E

·         Make the font smaller:                                        

        Ctrl + [

·         Make the font bigger:                                         

      Ctrl + ]

·         Change text to uppercase:                              

       Ctrl + Shift + A

·         Change text to lowercase:                               

       Ctrl + Shift K

·         Insert a page break:                                           

      Ctrl + Enter

·         Add a hyperlink:                                                  

      Ctrl + K


Selecting text

·         Select everything in the document:             

      Ctrl + A

·         Select text one character at a time:                

      Shift + Arrow

·         Select text one word at a time:              

      Ctrl + Shift + Arrow

·         Select from insertion point back to start of the line:                               Shift + Home

·         Select from the insertion point to end of the line:

 S            shift + End

·         Enter selection mode:                                        


·         Cut text to the spike:                                            

     Ctrl + F3

·         Paste the spike:                                               

        Ctrl + Shift + F3

Using tables

·         Move to the next cell:                                                


·         Move to the previous cell:                                     

        Shift + Tab

·         Move to the first cell in a row:                          

        Alt + Home

·         Move to the last cell in a row:                              

     Alt + End

·         Move to the top of a column:                               

     Alt + Page Up

·         Move to the bottom of a column:                  

       Alt + Page Down

General tasks

·         Undo:                                                                         

        Ctrl + Z

·         Redo:                                                                        

        Ctrl + Y

·         Help:                                                                         


C     cancel:                                                                         




Working with documents 

Open a document:         

 Press Ctrl + O to open an existing document. 

Create a new document: 

Press Ctrl + N to create a new, untitled document. 

Save the current document: 

Press Ctrl + S to save the current document immediately. 

Open the Save As window: 

Press F12 to open the Save As dialog box to save the document

 with a specific filename or in a new folder. 

Move to the end of the document: 

Press Ctrl + End to move the insertion point to the 

end of the entire document.

Editing documents

Cut the current selection:

 Make a selection and then press Ctrl + X to cut it out of the 

document and place it in the clipboard. 

Copy the current selection: 

Make a selection and then press     Ctrl + C to copy it to the clipboard. 

Paste the contents of the clipboard: 

Press Ctrl + V to paste the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point. 

Bold: Press Ctrl + B to bold the selected text. 

Italics: Press Ctrl + I to italics the selected text.

Underline: Press Ctrl + U to underline the selected text.

Underline words only: 

Press Ctrl + Shift + W to underline the selected text 

but not underline the spaces between words.


Press Ctrl + E to center the line of text where the 

insertion point is located. 

Make the font smaller:

 Press Ctrl and the left bracket ([) to make the font smaller

 one point at a time. 

Make the font bigger

Press Ctrl and the right bracket (]) to make the font larger

 one point at a time.

Change text to uppercase:

 Press Ctrl + Shift + A to change the selected text to all uppercase. 

Select everything in the document: 

Press Ctrl + A to select the entire document. 

Select text one character at a time: 

Press Shift + Arrow to select text to the left or right, 

one character at a time. 

Select text one word at a time:

 Press Ctrl + Shift + Arrow to select words one at a

 time to the left or right. 

Select from insertion point back to start of the line: 

Press Shift + Home to select everything from 

the insertion point back to the start of the line. 

Select from insertion point to end of the line: 

Press Shift + End to select everything from the insertion 

point forward to the end of the line.

General tasks


 Perhaps the most common shortcut of all time, 

Ctrl + Z will undo your last action. 


Press Ctrl + Y to redo the last action, if possible. 

If Word can't repeat the action, nothing will happen. 

Help: Press F1 to open the Help and Support pane.